Surf Trash interview Inferno Exclusive by Alex Knocks
Think back to when you were 16, the dream of being in a band with your mates and playing sold out shows probably came up a few times. But the furthest most got was that conversation or if we were lucky the school assembly.
There are 3 young grommets from Newcastle; Andy Lach and Nick who have turned their love and passion for music into a reality. Like sure a love for something will only get you so far... but it is skill and talent that pushes you to that next level and that’s what these guys have. With Andy on drums and vocals (yeah a drummer-singer) his brother Nick on Bass and Lach on guitar they turn up the stage with experience way past their years. So we decided to ask them a few questions.
1. So your aggregate age is 16.5 years and a total age of 50, how the hell between school, part-time jobs, surfing and rehearsing do you find time to play shows? Andy - Well I’ve actually been working a full time job as a music teacher this year and have chosen to quit at the end of the year to pursue Surf Trash and our music, but at the start of next year I’ll go back to working casually. The two other boys work part time jobs, Lach works at KFC and Nick works at a local surf clothing shop, so they have a little bit more time, but both of them are currently in high school and just about to start year 11, so whatever free time we have it’s straight away dedicated to our music, it’s what we wanna do in the long run.
2. You’ve been sharing the stage with some heavy hitters in the Aus music scene like Drunk Mums, the Delta Riggs and now a mini tour with Ruby Fields, do you have a favourite show? Andy - This year has been crazy for us, we have only been playing live since April so to have already done some of shows we have done is mind blowing. Between all of us boys we can agree playing the Howler in Melbourne as Ruby Fields' main support has been the biggest highlight so far, it was her biggest headline show to date and also by far the most people we have ever played to, she is also a huge legend.
3. Is there anyone who’d you’d love to share the stage with? Andy - We would love to play with the skegss boys one day, those guys are the humblest dudes ever and have definitely inspired us as well as many other young aussie bands to push the limits with music. We got to hang out with Tobz and Benny recently at the enmore together. Benny mentioned he was keen to play shows in the future and for a while now they have shown us support which is sick.
4. Who else would be a main influence? Nick - I’ve been loving and taking influence recently from legends like The Sunny Boys and The Ramones. Lach - I’ve been loving Jack river, Bugs and Crocodlyus. Andy - Lately I can’t get enough of Twin Peaks, and have been listening to a lot of Horror My Friend’s new album and Uranium Club.
5. Surfing or skating? Andy- We surf a lot more then we skate.
6. Who chose the name? How did it come about? Andy - We all came up with it together, there isn’t some amazing story behind it. Pretty much we started jamming after some surfs all together and just tried to think of some short simple words that described the music we were writing at the time, I think it suits us just fine now.
You can follow surf trash on their socials to keep up with them and see where they’re playing next.