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    Welcome to Inferno Music Supply Co's Official website.

    Our company goal is to provide Worldlcass products, at Rockstar Prices!!

    If the idea of that tickles you to death then be sure to subscribe to our newsletter e-mailing list for all the latest on product deliveries, artist updates, and general updated information

    Inferno Music's story starts out with Director Tim Davy and his passion for surfing and music. Performing & Touring with bands Mark The Sky & Chuckwood surf, punk & Metal saw their tunes distributed globally on some great Aussie surf films. This was accompanied with releases through Waves and Tracks Magazines

    Through the process Tim became good friends with the owners at Truth Custom Drums. Landing one of the first Truth Custom kits onto Australian shores, and has since orchestrated loads of kits to happy customers throughout Australia. Further more Inferno has taken on distribution of TRX & CRX Cymbals, Cympad, & Legator Guitars.

    Based out of Sydney Inferno believe that smaller and emerging brands haven't had the opportunities to grow in the Australian music market. With current changes/trends consumers are becoming more educated, diverse, and willing to invest in different brands.